Women's Conference 2024: What Real Love Looks Like

OHBC Women Conference 2024

May 3-5 2024


Tickets are now available!!!! $25.00

Cut off date April 25th for early bird ticket purchase.  

After April 25th ticket price is $30

(The code for payment as at the bottom of this post)

Contact: Lady Amanda Hendricks, Veronica Glover or any Woman’s Ministry member.

Email: ohbcwoman@gmail.com

Phone Numbers: 

Amanda: 434-329-0323

Veronica: 4348417676

Please join us for this amazing upcoming event!!!


 Hot Topics:

  • Human Trafficking 

  • DomesticViolence

  • Mental Health

  • Marriage/Single Life

  • Children/Family

  • Self Care 

  • Forgiveness/Love

Please join us fo this amazing upcoming event with equally amazing speakers/testimonials! We encourage audience interaction and participation.

Attire: Comfortable Casual  

To pay for tickets, scan the QR code below!

 To Pay for Tickets, Scan this code: